Inspiring Girls Conference for girls and adolescents, sponsored by NTT DATA


Published on 24/10/2022 by NTT DATA


Equality is that all genders matter.
At NTT DATA we continue to promote integral development and break down gender stereotypes. Don't miss the details of the Spiring Girls conference!

Therefore, we would like to invite girls and teenagers around you, between 14 and 18 years old (daughter or daughters, cousins, acquaintances...) to participate in the next Inspiring Girls sessions.

There will be 5 free sessions in face-to-face format, and they will take place in our offices (NTT DATA Towers and NTT DATA Living Lab) where they will receive training on emotional intelligence, leadership, financial independence, sustainability and technology.



26 octubre Environment and sustainability
Montserrat L., Fundadora & CEO The New Less.
2 noviembre Women as drivers of change
Miriam Rodríguez, CEO Healthcare Consulting.
16 noviembre Emotional intelligence
Sheila Rodríguez y Anna Carandell, People y Diversidad e Inclusión, NTT DATA.
23 noviembre Financial independence
Montserrat Peidro, Directora ALSO Group.
30 noviembre Women and technology
Miriam Barajas, Analista Salesforce y referente STEM, NTT DATA.


All sessions will be held from 18h to 19.30h in the Conference Hall, first floor of Tower 1 (NTT DATA Towers) except for the last one, which will be in the NTT DATA Living Lab (November 30), where you will learn about the Tech&Solutions Space and the technological solutions created by the company.

These will be fun, interesting and first networking sessions for your child/children!

Can you help us to promote female talent? 

.Registration form

